Sajan Shrestha

Sajan Shrestha Birthday Birthdate Age Height Weight Biography Family Wife Comedian Sajan Shrestha Podcast

September 2, 1990

The birth date of Sajan Shrestha is on September 2, 1993. He is 32 years old as of 2025. Sajan Shrestha is a comedian and an actor from Kathmandu, Nepal.
Sajan Shresthaa is a Nepalese comedian with a YouTube channel. His channel has 900,000 subscribers. He posts interviews and travel vlogs. He has traveled to countries like Australia and Canada. He has also interviewed famous figures like actress Shilpa Maskey and comedian Sujan Zimba.

Sajan married Chadni Bajracharya Shrestha a few years ago. They now live together in Kathmandu.


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